Los principios de diseño clásicos están influyendo en las mejores casas nuevas de la actualidad
Modern architecture aficionados may dream of living in an authentic midcentury home designed by one of the movement?s masters. Despite esfuerzos de conservación in many parts of the United States, however, many significant midcentury Modern homes Han sido demolidos, a menudo a favor de Nuevas construcciones que rechazan el uso bien considerado del espacio en favor de planos de planta hinchados y ostentosos.
En parte debido a esta creciente escasez, aquellos que tengan la suerte de conseguir una casa moderna históricamente significativa deberían estar preparados para gastar una cantidad considerable.
For homeowners who respond to the design principles of the midcentury masters, building a new home may well be a better option?if they choose the correct architect. At Turkel Design, our prefab homes take inspiration from the Modern Movement while embracing technological innovations that improve sustainability and promote better living.
Here are several reasons why homeowners frustrated in their search for a midcentury home may instead want to consider building a twenty-first century modern prefab home:
Flexibilidad de ubicación
Una ventaja evidente de construir una casa nueva es que el cliente puede decidir la ubicación. Sin embargo, existe una diferencia entre construir en Un pedazo de tierra y un edificio para a piece of land. Modern architects of the twentieth century are celebrated for embracing nature through design. Turkel Design takes inspiration from that tradition by designing each home to capture the beauty of its natural environment. We use a 3D digital model of the building site and its surroundings as a canvas, determining appropriate siting, approach, ideal views from each room, optimal positioning in relation to the sun, and opportunities to blur the line between indoors and outdoors.
Previsibilidad del costo, el cronograma y la calidad
In the twentieth century, architects such as Carl Koch pioneered prefabricated building systems?i.e., homes built in a factory and then assembled on the building site. Also driven by the goal of making high-quality housing efficiently available to homeowners, Turkel Design has refined a signature prefab process that marries elegant design and top-quality materials with the precision of off-site prefabrication. The benefit to the homeowner is clear: this systematized process reduces the risk of custom home design, bringing previsibilidad al costo, cronograma y calidad de cada proyecto.
Sostenibilidad ambiental
To be sure, buying an existing home is better for the environment than building a new one. New homes must be built, however, and advancements in technology allow today?s Modern homes to operate more sustainably than their twentieth-century antecedents. We select top-quality materials that are not only beautiful but also weathertight and durable, increasing the energy efficiency of each home: examples of such materials include triple-pane windows, thermally modified wood, and engineered lumber. Illustrating our Enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad, Desert House in Palm Springs, California, uses readily available technology, such as a photovoltaic system and all-electric systems and appliances, together with passive solar design principles, to achieve a net-zero energy, fossil fuel-free home.
Lo más importante es que adoptamos el principio moderno de un uso meditado y considerado del espacio. A diferencia de las enormes "granjas modernas" y las mansiones modernas de hoy en día, cada casa de Turkel Design es más grande que su superficie útil.
Diseño para tu estilo de vida
Todas las casas de Turkel Design son casas personalizadas. Cada proyecto comienza con un proceso de descubrimiento exhaustivo diseñado para comprender cómo quiere vivir el propietario. A esto le sigue una sesión interactiva proceso de diseño Esto permite al propietario ver y explorar exactamente cómo se verá y se sentirá su hogar a través de cada iteración de diseño. El resultado es una casa que mantiene la elegancia discreta de la arquitectura moderna clásica, pero está personalizada y construida para una mejor vida en la actualidad.
Ponerse en contacto
If your goal of living in a midcentury Modern home is out of reach, consider honoring its architectural legacy in one of this century?s Modern homes, designed just for you.
Contáctenos hoy para discutir cómo quieres vivir.