The beauty of custom architecture is that, when executed with care, it results in a home that you love. The home planning process, however, involves more than design inspiration to make your vision come to life. No matter where you choose to build your home, every municipality has its own set of regulations (building codes, zoning ordinances, environmental regulations, etc.) and stakeholders (i.e., neighborhood or homeowners? associations, historical commissions) that may influence the design with which you?ve fallen in love.
La mejor manera de abordar este proceso es elegir un estudio de arquitectura con la experiencia necesaria para liderar el camino. En Turkel Design, nuestro equipo ha diseñado más de 200 viviendas en ubicaciones en toda América del Norte y más allá, incluso en entornos regulatorios tan estrictos como Valle del molino, California; Kealakekua, Hawaii; Martha?s Vineyard, Massachusetts; y la isla Waiheke, Nueva Zelanda.
Obtener con éxito todos los permisos necesarios para construir su casa es un paso esencial en nuestro proceso de firma. Here are some of the measures we take to ensure success:
Dibujos y documentación completos
Creamos un conjunto completo de dibujos y especificaciones para que su departamento de construcción local los revise, incluidos planos, elevaciones, secciones, planos de estructura y especificaciones.
Coordinación de consultores
A successful permitting process requires communication with the vendors and consultants involved in completing your home: structural engineers, mechanical engineers, plumbing, HVAC, etc. We coordinate with each one, ensuring that we are providing a comprehensive submission that meets all local requirements.
Gestión de extremo a extremo
With many stakeholders involved, it?s important that one party takes responsibility to lead the overall process. At Turkel Design, our team takes pride in effective project management. In addition to the steps listed above, we present your home?s drawings and documentation to design, planning, and architectural review boards, communicating directly with these stakeholders to address any concerns, and to secure their endorsement.
Soluciones creativas
Creemos que casi cualquier conflicto entre un propietario y una parte interesada local se puede resolver mediante un buen diseño. Desde la interpretación de los parámetros de diseño locales hasta la comunicación de los objetivos del propietario, nuestro equipo utiliza un enfoque creativo para guiar a todas las partes hacia un punto en el que se sientan cómodas con el avance del proyecto.
A complex local permitting process should not deter you from designing and building the home that you want, where you want to live. With an experienced firm, with architects guiding you through each step, you can rest assured that your project will obtain the necessary approvals.
At Turkel Design, our expertise with permitting is part of an overall approach that brings predictability to the cost, timeline, and quality of every home we design. ?They were able to get through one of the most challenging design review municipalities that I have ever experienced,? says one of our clients, a California real estate developer with experience in design and construction. Through rigorous preparation and coordination, we bring an element of predictability to what, in the wrong hands, can be one of the least predictable steps in the home planning process.
Ponerse en contacto
No permita que las preocupaciones sobre las partes interesadas y las regulaciones locales le impidan diseñar la casa que imagina en el lugar que ama.
Contáctenos para discutir cómo quieres vivir.